Memory from Oke Millett

Created by Rachel 3 years ago
Memories of Aunt Joan from Oke Millett, son of Prideaux Millett and nephew of Joan.
One somewhat humorous memory for me, was while Aunt Joan was tending the horses and I was pottering about trying to not get underfoot, there was a basin lying in front of the horse stalls that had been used to feed the horses.  It had some leftover oats and stuff in it.  The chickens came over to eat from the bowl.  I didn't fully understand the idea of free ranging chickens, and something seemed 'not right' to my 5 year old brain that these chickens were eating the horse food.  So I remember I jumped out at them and shooed them away.  At which point, one of them flopped over, quite dead - I guess an annoying 5 year old child yelling at the poor thing was too much for it.  I distinctly remember being scolded by Aunt Joan and recall her unceremoniously scooping up the dead chicken by the feet and storming off with it.  Not sure if it became dinner or was otherwise disposed of, but I recall being in rather hot water for some time.  It was most certainly an accident and I am sure Aunt Joan realized it was just this silly city-raised child who didn't know any better, but the memory of that incident stays with me.
A perhaps more fond memory, is Aunt Joan teaching me how to ride a pony, and befriending Benjamin, the elderly black pony with the shaggy mane.  I am sure I was fairly hopeless at riding a horse, and fortunately, Benjamin was extremely patient and unflappable having a small child flailing around on his back.  I remember whenever Dad would write Peter & Joan or call on the phone, I would always inquire after Benjamin's health and ask to make sure he was given a carrot for me.
In any event, my best to you and I wish I could be there to attend the memorial.